- Selenite Brilliant Green Broth is composed of peptone, yeast extract, mannitol, sodium taurocholate, dipotassium phosphate, potassium phosphate, and brilliant green. Peptone and yeast extract provide the nitrogen, and amino acids. mannitol is a fermentable carbohydrate.
- Brilliant green, sodium hydrogen selenite, and sodium taurocholate inhibit the growth of gram-positive organisms and enteric organisms except Salmonella species.
- Sodium selenite is a selective agent and inhibits the growth of gram-positive and many gram-negative organisms. Although sodium selenite is reduced by bacterial growth, and rise in pH takes place which leads to a decrease in selectivity of selenite. The decrease in pH due to the reduction of selenite is compensated by the acid produced by the mannitol fermentation.
- Sodium phosphate provides phosphate for growth and helps in the maintenance of the pH of the medium.