- Sabouraud 2% dextrose agar is used for the cultivation of yeasts, molds, and aciduric bacteria. Emmons modified the original formulation of Sabouraud dextrose agar by adjusting the pH close to neutral to increase the recovery of fungi and by reducing the dextrose content from 40 to 20 g/l.
- The medium is consisting of meat and casein peptone (1:1), dextrose monohydrate, and agar. The meat and casein peptone provide carbonaceous, nitrogenous compounds, long-chain amino acids, vitamins, and other essential growth nutrients in addition to that the dextrose monohydrate serves as an energy source.
- The high concentration of dextrose and low pH of the medium favor the growth of yeasts and molds and inhibit other contaminating bacteria from pharmaceutical and clinical specimens. Agar is used as a solidifying agent.